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You must be the one!
You must be the one… that comes to our mind about your expertise! You must be the one… people call when your expertise is needed! You must be the one… that is mentioned naturally n Social Media when they talk about things related to your expertise!

Are you the person that comes to people’s mind when your expertise is needed or wanted?
Let’s say one of your friends is talking with a dream client of yours and it is obvious that she needs help around what you do. Would your friend remember you and say, ‘Oh, you need to talk (YOUR NAME) she can help you!


So, what do you do?
In one or two words, can you tell us what you do? If not, how can we remember you and what you d and refer people to you when we meet a person who needs your help. If we don’t know what you do, it is impossible to refer people to you…